Configuring and Running FRBR Redis Datastore

To configure and run the FRBR Redis Datastore, first Installing FRBR Redis Datastore both the Redis and `FRBR Redis Datastore`_ and then you are ready to get started.


In the root directory for FRBR Redis Datastore project, there is a file that contains the following settings that you can change depending on your set-up:

Name Description Example
REDIS_HOST Server IP address of Redis server
REDIS_PORT Port number that Redis server listens on 6379
REDIS_DB Default Redis Database 0
REDIS_TEST_DB Redis database used for testing 1
REDIS_CODE4LIB_DB Redis database used for Code4Lib presentation 2
PRESENTATION_PORT Port number that embedded bottle runs to serve presentation 8081
WEB_HOST Server IP address to run embedded bottle server
WEB_PORT Port number that embedded bottle server runs on 8080



You need to have your instance of Redis up and running before trying to start-up either the unit tests, embedded web server, or the Code4Lib-based documentation.

Unit Tests

To ensure that your environment is set-up correctly, after activating your virtualenv instance, change directories to frbr-redis-datastore and run the unit tests for the project with this command: $ python

Code4Lib Presentation

To get an introduction of the FRBR Redis Datastore, you can run the Jeremy Nelson’s 2012 Code4Lib presentation, NoSQL Bibliographic Records: Implementing a Native FRBR Datastore with Redis by running the following command: $ python and select option 1) Standalone.

You should then be able to access the presentation at http://localhost:8081 (the 8081 port number will be different if you changed the PRESENTATION_PORT setting in the configuration)